Saturday, September 24, 2005

Change of the season

I really despise Winter here.

I don't mind a real Winter-one where the snow falls and things freeze over and you basically stay in that state. Winters here are mostly gray, drizzly affairs, with a bit of snow thrown in here and a hair of freeze thrown in there. Sunshine is rare, and I am a person that needs a little sunshine.

I used to love Lake Erie when it froze up-it turned into a moonscape that stretched as far as the eye could see. It was a truly remarkable thing to behold-this beautiful place of warmth and sunshine in the summer just shuts down totally. Beaches become deserted, and the wind howls, and you can walk for miles on the ice.

That's Winter. I wish we had a bit more of it here.


Blogger Jolly Roger said...

It was pretty neat last year in January, but of course I live too far away now to properly appreciate it. Such is $%!@#$ life.

Ice fishing down in the Lakeshore Park in Sandusky, walking with a board for those "just in case" occasions..... I miss it terribly.

9:24 AM  

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