Friday, March 11, 2011

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Anonymous Kandi Passion said...

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was way ahead of his time. Tennessee. He supported African American’s in every possible way, especially the Unions who whenever they were on strike. He was always the first one there to to protest in behalf of the workers, he went up against the abusive WHITE, bosses, and the supervisors bad working conditions, and low wages , he was always there to speak out, and not only at his famous the March on Washington

If he were alive today, he would be right there to support the people in Wisconsin and against the Governors who always seem to favor the of the rich over the poor like the Governor of New Jersey anti-union politicians. . He'd be bringing together the community groups, and he’s be fighting to raise the minimum wage, and to enact local living wage laws, and expand health insurance to all Americans., he’d be backing president Obama’s Health-care bill, fighting for it tooth and nail. He'd be helping America's working poor -- he’s be supporting the Unions behind the hotel workers, the subway workers, janitors, nurses and other hospital employees, grocery workers, farm workers, and all the others. To say that he was against Unions is insane and racist. If you want to talk about people that were Union busters, look to Ronald Reagan.

4:44 AM  

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