Friday, September 30, 2005

I decided I don't like grownups

I far prefer to talk and hang out with kids, especially the younger ones.

It seems to me that any group of grownups that consists of more than 1 or 2 people will inevitably have as a member somebody that starts some juvenuile sexual innuendo. Guess what? I'm not Beavis. I've probably seen and heard most of what there is to see and hear, and you're not gonna shock me, or make me laugh. You're gonna bore me.

Grownups also tend to smell nasty, whether it be from cigarettes, booze, or perfume applied by the gallon. Yecch.

This world I live in, I know so well that my familiarity often breeds contempt. The streets, the stores, the sounds.

However, when I talk to my 4 year old, she sees this whole world of wonder, and most of the time she points something out to me I never considered. Like the writing on the side of the water tower, or the balloon flying as an advertisement above the restaurant. She thinks smoking is nasty, doesn't drink, and mainly just wants to look around in wonder in the same space I often find myself repelled in. Her perspective very often renews mine, and improves my mood considerably.

My 2 year old doesn't talk so well yet, but I see the sparkle in her eyes whenever we go down to the river, or to the park. And she is just thrilled by things like a squirrel climbing a tree, or a train rolling down the track. That same train would undoubtedly piss me off if she weren't in the car with me, because I'd see it as blocking my way.

Sometimes the view from a lower altitude is a much nicer view. Try talking to someone down in that altitude sometime, and you'll see what I mean.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The worship of others

I see it all the time. People trying to emulate some real shitbags simply because the shitbags are famous. You know what I mean-girls starving themselves to death to try to look like Kate Moss or the Olsen twins, teenaged boys screwing themselves up with body-altering chemicals so they can make the big leagues like McGwire did. The names I cite are interchangable with your favorite shitbag of the moment-the problem, as I see it, is that so many people are lost. Like they aren't sure enough of themselves to appreciate their own identities, their unique individualities. And it most assuredly is not limited to the young-I see many a person who should know better go out and do dumb shit because they saw some show and Sandra Skankalot was doing it, or had had it done.

Maybe I'm weird-I have always been able to spot a dumbass at a distance. It isn't hard to figure out that a good number of celebrities are stupid people who you would hardly want to dumb yourself down to emulate. So then, what is the attraction? The money? The fame? The feeling of personal inadequacy?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Change of the season

I really despise Winter here.

I don't mind a real Winter-one where the snow falls and things freeze over and you basically stay in that state. Winters here are mostly gray, drizzly affairs, with a bit of snow thrown in here and a hair of freeze thrown in there. Sunshine is rare, and I am a person that needs a little sunshine.

I used to love Lake Erie when it froze up-it turned into a moonscape that stretched as far as the eye could see. It was a truly remarkable thing to behold-this beautiful place of warmth and sunshine in the summer just shuts down totally. Beaches become deserted, and the wind howls, and you can walk for miles on the ice.

That's Winter. I wish we had a bit more of it here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rock is dead

I'm convinced-the cycle of suck has killed rock as a dynamic genre.

Rock is destined to go the way of jazz-a genre that has a niche, but is not in the mainstream of things.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Other Jolly Blog

I have so many Blogger friends that I can't post to because I didn't have a Blogger account. So I started this blog, where I will occasionally post things from a kinder, gentler Jolly Roger.

I will still be found most of the time at Reconstitution, a proud member of the Impeach Bush Coalition.